Final hope that's life for sure with their knowledge there's such a thing foreign foreign foreign foreign [Music] foreign was born on the first of Rajab in the 57th year after Hijra and died on the seventh of the 114th year after Hijra

  He is seen as the Colossus of Islamic knowledge and a beacon of light when it comes to each and every one of the Islamic Sciences a man from whose life many lessons may be learned especially in the fields of jurisprudence Theology and ethics and many examples may be derived the man who was responsible for the spread dissemination of many of the teachings Of the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam unfortunately has not been studied in the way it should be many people do not know what his role was and many have not appreciated the amount of knowledge that he disseminated in his life if you were to ask many people to tell you about the life of Imam al-bar you will find that they are more able to Tell you about his son Imam asada and are not able to elaborate on his own role or on his own transformation of the Sciences of the religion of Islam yet you find that when you dissect his life you realize that the solidifying and the crystallization of the school of mate was performed by Imam al-ba and that's why there is a need to study his life in order that we appreciate that he began a lot of the schools of knowledge that reached us until today When we look at his birth as we said he was born on the first of rajab in the 57th year after Hijra his mother was far from other daughter of Imam al-hassan and his father was Imam Zain al-abidi in the son of Imam and Hussain therefore from the beginning of his life he is distinguished with having an honor like nobody else in the school of Ethel Bates that his grandfather from one side is Imam al-hassan and his grandfather from the other side is Imam and Hussain Nobody has this honor in the school of his mother father mother daughter of Imam al-hassan was one of the most Pious and devout wives of any of the imams of age that the narration say to us in terms of her beauty there was no equivalent to her when it came to her beauty on the second level you find that Imam al-hasan had given his daughter farpama an app title that title was of course the title of Father and it was a title that continued with father mother daughter would say my mother her title was she was the truthful in every aspect of her life the mother of Imam al-baqar was known for her truthfulness her words her behavior her trusts her religious aspects there was nobody like on the whole of Medina who was known for their truthful nature and that's why you find that her Kunia her title was an Interesting one his wife Fatma gave him two sons she gave them Muhammad and she gave an Abdullah was called because of his Beauty they used to say of the sons of Zain al-abadin there are not no one is as beautiful as Abdullah who was from Sindh UT you know sinned and the Endo packed subcontinent sinned Imam married a lady from sins who gave him the son's age In other words of the wives of foreign as we said he was born in extremely difficult circumstances he was born on the 57th year after Hijra towards the end of the Khalifa of MOA had reached the stage where he had complete dominance on the Islamic empire nobody could come near his dominance and the narration say to us that he had killed many of the Companions and many of the companions of Imam Al-hazard as well he had killed others for example such as and even further than this we find with that he had put under pressure many great companions many of these companions were put on the immense pressure by mahawiya many people thought when he dies he would give the leadership back to Imam Al Hussain why because signed the treaty with Imam al-hassan and that part of that treaty would be that the leadership would be Given back to to elevate however appointed yazid to become his successor and as we know yazid beware of four beware of Abdul Rahman IBN Abu Bakr I mean beware of these four yazid made sure that a couple of them were politically quiet and another one secluded himself and as we know Imam al-hussein rose on the plains of karbala with its famous lines that a man like me Does not pledge allegiance to a man like him years old therefore was at karbala at the age of three and a half normally as a child you want your experiences at that young age to be experiences of warmth experiences of comfort experiences of happiness you don't want to be in an environment at the age of three and a half where you witness an Event like the event of karbala are at the age of three and a half was sitting in the tent with his father Imam zainil abedin at the end of the 10th of Muharram and you can imagine for someone three and a half years of age he may not necessarily see what's happening outside but the first thing he sees is his dad very ill on the bed the second thing he sees is his auntie zainab running from one turn to another Had to also run why because the horses were Galloping across the children of el Bates at the age of three and a half had to witness karbala in front of him and had to also witness the oppression that came after karbala because you know what they did to Imam al-baka it was only three and a half they changed him next to rokaya um and the other children All of them were chained together and taken from karbala to kufa and from said his first words of knowledge in front of yazid because up until that stage nobody had really asked who is this young man his name was Muhammad Ali they thought he's just like any other Muhammad at that time he didn't have any titles he was only three and a half yazid was sitting down on his throne while yazid was sitting down on his throne he looked at And he looked and said he looked at he saw all of them and when he saw them he said you know what I think the best thing to do with all of you is that some of you will sell you off as slave woman and the rest of you you know what we'll do we're going to kill you one by one the place became silent all of a sudden somebody spoke and said oh yes in power and he caught Musa and Haroon at least asked his people what should we do to them and Said let them go and live far whereas you assume no respect for the family of the man who bought this religion the people looked around yes it's a truth said that and they saw a three-year-old Imam al-bakar saying that from that day yazid said how old is this kid they said he is three years of age what's his name they said he said which was saying they said that one he said we killed Hussain he said no That's three and a half year old speaks like that to me wants it to do something but he thought that it would be an act of cowardice if he slept for three and a half year olds so he left them alone and many of the people realized that this young boy is not an ordinary young boy because to be able to answer a Khalifa with knowledge like that is extraordinary someone says what type of Knowledge was that you know why it's extraordinary not because he's three years old but because how do you have the knowledge of pharaoh Moses and Aaron at that age who would be able at that moment to say foreign normally you need to learn those stories over a number of years before you have that knowledge at the age of three and a half was already speaking like the suryazid and That's why what happened he hasid allowed them to be released they left for karbala then they went to Medina Imam Ali lived under his father imman for a few years after in Medina and the narrations tell us that there was a man waiting to give him salaams from rasulullah there was a man living in Medina at the time called was the oldest surviving companion of rasulullah He lived until the age of 90. some Reports say until the age of 93. German's father Abdullah and his grandfather Amar were the most generous and the richest men in Medina do you know where their house used to be in Medina those of you who have been to Masjid they used to have a mansion next to that house not a small house in those days most people had small houses they used to have a mansion Was known for his generosity to the extent one day he gave away so much money he fell into debt he would be generous towards everyone 's father Abdullah was the man who said to the people of Medina o people of Madina I hear that there's a prophet who has announced his prophethood in Mecca but the people of Mecca do not want him came to Medina one of the most hospitable people to rasulullah was and that's why this Abdullah Ansari when It came to the Battle of Bader Abdullah Al Ansari was the man when it came to the bachelor brother came up to him was only 19 at the time he came up to his father he said Dad I want to fight today his dad said no he said to him why he said you've got nine older sisters you have to look after them in case I die so Jordan went to rasool Allah I want to fight with you in the Battle of better but my dad isn't allowing me Rasulullah looked at him and said why he said because I have nine sisters so he said Java you must look after them so then so what role can I have in the battle are better to which rasulallah carry the water for the soldiers is a form of showing love for Allah in this battle then in the Battle of Java's father Abdullah got killed hind the mother of mutilated true bodies on the battle of Hamza's body and jabber's Father's body they cut their body into pieces this was so close to hell that Hadith is narrated by Abdullah haven't you read when it says that he was a companion of rasulullah he was a companion of Imam Ali he was the companion of Imam al-hassan he was a companion of Imam al-hussein he was the companion of Imam Zen in Aberdeen and rasulullah one day you will meet a young man whose Name is my name whose attributes are like my attributes who has nor shining from his face and who has wisdom and knowledge like none other his name is make sure you send my salaams to him jabber would be sitting outside the mosque of the Prophet saying where is and the people would walk past and say jabber's old age has got to him Jabra is becoming insane Jabba is just saying loud words all of a sudden one day you Find that the narration say imams and he said there is someone who wants to see you jabard was blind at the end of his life looked at him and he touched him and he said I felt the footsteps of rasulullah coming towards me because you know when someone is blind their other senses become stronger their other senses become sharper jabber said I feel the footsteps of rasulallah who is this The one you are calling Islam and he said I want to kiss your hands I want to kiss your feet your grandfather rasulullah said to me oja I will send my salons when rasulullah says send my salaams to someone do you know how knowledgeable this person must be for us to him he said send my salaam and know that he is because he will split knowledge completely people ask the word bathroom what does It mean of course it's not his name it's his title Barker comes from the word bakar what does it mean when a farmer rips his farmland or rips open the soil they call it because he ripped and split and scrutinized and spread knowledge they called him or they would call him the one who splits please mark the three S's he splits knowledge Scrutinizes knowledge spreads knowledge that is a lesson for us today we who climate have we split knowledge open have we scrutinized knowledge have we spread our knowledge you see some people made fun of Imam al-bakar because they were jealous of him you know one person was walking one day he looked at him he said bakar bakar is different from barkar what does bakar mean S what's in English the cow someone came to Imam al-bakar one day when he heard imagine in the face of Imam al-baqar you call him the cow and Imam al-bagher looked at the person and said to him no my title is and the person said to him your mother her job is a nothing more he said that is her profession then he said I heard your mother was a black woman Shame on you Imam said if you are telling the truth may Allah forgive you and if you are lying may Allah forgive you as well people would hear this name would try and make fun of him and call him bakar or bakara the cow he would be patient until there'd be a day when he disseminates his knowledge and that's why the narration say to us that the reason he was given the name was because in a period where many Different schools of knowledge were emerging people went to him when they needed to split and scrutinize and understand knowledge in his time as an Iman he faced over five Abbas I tell you religious Scarlets you will ever have offices because they were so unreligious it actually helped him spread his message because they were more concerned With the world of woman and the world of music and the world of luxury thoughts wow these people are busy let me spread the knowledge of Al Muhammad you found in his time you had different types of caliphs was a Cali from the time of Imam al-batham Abdul Malik how was he as a caliph he employed a judge as his governor used to say I wish I was present on the 10th of Muharram so I could have been the man who beheaded the grandson of rasulallah someone like this is your governor and the books of History the great Khalifa of Islam this is the Khalifa you want someone who puts a man like this in power Abdul Mary what do we do on idol of how we sacrifice don't we we sacrifice animals Judge used to say what do the people join the reply was people sacrifice animals that said very well get me everyone called Ali Hassan Hussain so I can sacrifice them as well see someone like this is [Applause] Khalifa they used to say to him please of the Muslims people expect you to lead Salah they used to look at them and he says Are you joking I've got two women in my room right now and you want me to come out and pray get someone else to lead this Salah get someone else who can lead and this is used to have two girls who would be around him all the time one was called Salama and the other was called This is the type of people Imam and bakra had to live under one was called Salama the other was called he used to sing his poetry he used to Say while all of these people are going down in their prayers I'm enjoying the Comforts of life with salaam and habab one day Allah taught him a lesson and taught both of them a lesson these two do you know how they both died because of a disease where if he drank water he dies imagine if you drink water you die in Malik why praying and he's sitting with his he brings some of the pomegranates he's Like to eat eat more enjoy she's eating the pomegranates he's eating she's eating one pomegranate seed chokes in her throat it stops there a chokes then she dies imagine a pomegranate seed ends up killing him when he sees this he falls on top of her doesn't leave the house he ends up dying in this way Imam and Baka knew they were called like this so what did Imam and bathroom do did he stand up no Imam Swords if these people are engaged in these things let me sit down and spread the message of a little baits and their teachings because the climates Imam al-baqarah was living in many new schools of Islam were developing Imam Al Hussain imman were not able in their own respective times to spread the teachings of rasulallah because they were under much pressure is the man who began the spread of the teachings of rasulullah in the school of Littlebage them he used to sit in the mosque of rasulullah and he used to spread the words of rasulallah to everybody because people had a job and say this man is he splits he scrutinizes he spreads knowledge you find many people would come and ask Imam al-bathan questions and that's why do you know what the narration say to us there were different schools in Islam which were forming lots of people started claiming they heard This from rasulullah they heard that from rasulullah and you had many schools emerging there was a school called the murjia in the time of Imam al-baqar do you know what the mujah used to say you can't say Khalifa is bad because he's drinking alcohol because you don't know what says what's in his heart what do you mean I don't know what's in his heart I seem drinking alcohol what else do I need to know the man sitting there drinking alcohol He's drunk completely and you're telling me I don't know what's in his heart there was another school which was you know those who Force they were also present at the time there was another school called the martezilla who had debates about predestination and Free Will and the position of the Muslim Sinner and the Islamic State in other words what you had in that period of Islam many people were confused I tell you many were confused they didn't know Who to follow you've got this school and that school and that school and this school so people all decided to go and study and that's University in Medina that's why they say about Imam ass they call them sometimes people call them Assad no it's is the greatest teacher I had in my life was my father Muhammad and on top of this you know what your mama's father used to say I didn't just Learn Islamic Studies from my father we studied astronomy we studied cosmology we studied geography we studied philosophy we studied Greek mysticism and thought imagine did not just teach Islam Islamic law Barker wanted to show Muslims every science is worthy of learning in the religion of Islam you don't just have to learn fake or Hadith or Quran go and learn every science and be learned on every area They would ask him if they had a legal question they would ask him if they had a history question they would ask him if they had a question about Hadith they would ask him if they had a question about imama they would ask him look at some examples a person came to him and said oh Iman there is a verse in the Quran we have asked so many scholars they don't know the answer to it can you give us the answer you are Muhammad al-baqarah you are the one whose titles That you split knowledge in half he said go ahead so chapter 21 verse 30. have those disbelievers not seen how the heavens and the Earth were closed and we opened them up in Arabic they were right and they became fat Surah 21 verse 30. what does this mean that the heavens and the Earth were closed then we opened them Imam al-baq replied when Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala sent Adam on the earth there was no Vegetation because there was no rain so Allah opened up the Heavens so rain would come down and the fertile land would have plants growing from it they would say thank you another group would come a famous scholar of the time comes to Imam al-baqarah he says we have a question about Islamic law he said go ahead tell me what's your question he said do you the Imam is believe in what are Temporary marriage we do he says but don't you think is the type of dinner foreign the Quran in chapter 4 verse 24 clearly says the Quran says very clearly Surah 4 24 is the verse which proves that in the time of rasulullah there were Companions and others when they would go away from their homes and they would want to look After themselves in terms of their desires they would say ya rasulullah are we allowed to engage in a temporary marriage to which rasulullah would say yes would you allow your woman to do it such questions aren't befitting of a scholar today even you find people when they debate the Isha they will come forward and say would you allow your sister to do it First and foremost the law is that if your woman are virgins then they you have to seek the permission of the father there is a jurisprudence to it you don't just allow much are for anyone there is a law behind it number two what did he say he said if a person who does knitting from Medina came and proposed for your daughter would you allow your daughter to get married not no I wouldn't give her to someone Who knits he said but isn't it so he said yes he said therefore if it's Halal you don't necessarily have to do it likewise with us Halal does not mean it's difference because Halal does not mean everyone practices it you come and tell me would your sister do it it's as if you're implying that it's wage upon my sister to do it no it's optional left with his head down and walked away then the first group of people would come to a mom and bathroom they would be the History group they would come and say oh Muhammad Ali we have a question none can answer it says what is it says our question is who was the first person to ever speak the Arabic language would look at them and say the first person to speak the Arabic language was prophet is 10 because where was he brought up like probably smile where was he born he was born oh he was raised in that area so he Says the first prophet to speak Arabic was for his smile then another group of people come to Imam al-bakar they say oh Iman you know shaytan is the enemy of all the prophets my mom says yes so if the term did shaytan ever have conversations with any of the prophets Imam would look at them and say yes so they said to him who he would say shaytan had a conversation with Prophet Salaam thank you so they would turn around to him and They say so what was the conversation between the two of them so Imam and bakra would say shaytan would come to Prophet Noah and say to him oh Prophet nor I am going to give you a present because you've done me a great favor so probably not looked at shaytan and said what do you mean he said because you prayed to Allah to remove all those who had oppressed the religion so Allah removed them so I didn't have any work in your generation I'm going to give you three pieces of advice he said what he said remember me in three places I'm always there well then Prophet Noah said where agree know that I'm always standing next to you looking to make you more angry how many times when you get angry do you feel there's a whisper saying go ahead and hit him go ahead Allah number two when you're when you ought to give charity Know that I'm always Whispering don't give don't give three you two are alone I will be there Whispering would give that then another question people would come imagine this school in Medina had thousands of students under him another person will come to Imam saying you imams claim you are masum you are infallible said yes so so what's the proofs for it so Imam al-baka said why Do human beings sin so the person looked at him and said I don't know you tell me he said because of four reasons either because of anger or because of lust or because of Envy or because of greed why would we need to be greedy when Allah has given us the knowledge that he's given us and why would we be envious when we are the grandchildren of rasulullah and why would we lust over anything when Allah has honored us with the Holy Quran and Why would we get angry over anything when Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala has allowed the message of prophet to be in our lives therefore a person normally commits a sin because of lust or anger or Envy or because of what so because of Desire Allah has given us so much that those four never affect us in our lives therefore would you find Imam al-baq disseminate and many of his students emerge from his School people like zorara and hamuran and people of affected one Khalifa was affected in a good way another was affected in the bad way do you know which Allah Khalifa was affected aziz's father-in-law is the great grandson up until the time of Imam al-baqar every Salat to begin in the name of God the most beneficent the most merciful may God Curse that's why I believe it's a myth this idea that was the forthright Khalifa in that time that's impossible that came later how could it be the forthrightly guided Khalifa and Benny umaya were in charge for eight years every week on a Friday prayer was cursed knowledge and because of the knowledge of the people of the time um When he saw the knowledge of Imam and even um says my father Abdul Aziz whenever he talk about he used to get nervous so I used to say to my father my father whenever you talk about any man you are calm except to which my father would say to me if the people knew the merits of they would not have us as leaders but um you are the one who rasulullah sent his salaams to I want to ask you a question what three pieces of advice do you give me now that I've become Khalifa um the man who splits knowledge is there anyone better to learn about rasulullah than him um gave him three pieces of fantastic advice the first advice to him when you celebrate or have an extravagant Celebration do not forget Halal and Hara you may go to a lot of weddings in the summer a lot of weddings and they are called Islamic weddings in the mosque that's where people like me get invited but they're not so religious event I never get invited to for some reason no one ever sends me a card I don't know why maybe because I am someone who I don't know when you celebrate an occasion don't Forget Halal and Haram communities today our Nika is religious go to the reception and only God knows what's going on and you see some people in those and you look at them and you're like you're a follower of Muhammad you and then you ask them why have you made it like this they say because the community will say it's boring otherwise on the day of judgment will the Community say it's boring foreign when you celebrate don't forget it's very important number two when you become angry don't forget sometimes we get angry but it's Haram to curse sometimes we get angry we may even curse Allah Imam said when you get angry don't forget I'm not saying don't get angry but do not forget that is number three when you get what do not You serve the property of the people so they had a conversation he said which property for example he said FedEx belonged to my grandmother Fatima and Benny umayya took FedEx away from my grandmother um said FedEx belongs to your family and I as Khalifa will make sure it's given back to you although we may differ from him on certain aspects But his truth stands because of Imam al-barker of returning fadak and stopping the cursing of Imam will never be forgotten that's one person foreign he tried every way possible to embarrass Imam every way do you know I tell you for about five years this you know what he would do he'd get the most knowledgeable Christians the most knowledgeable atheists the most knowledgeable Muslims from outside the School by the bay to debate one day Hashem and Abdul Malik is sitting near the Kaaba had with him nothing used to be the slave of um who fought Imam Ali walked towards the Kaaba and everyone opened up the space I said who's that he's the prophet of the people of Iraq foreign apparently he can split knowledge and Answer questions no one can answer he said leave this guy to me bring him let me show him he says come here come back and comes he says I hear the people say you're knowledgeable Imam al-baq says I am not of the ignorance they called Adam yes the amount of titles we've created it's unbelievable so I am not of the ignorant so enough has that very well answer my Questions if you think you have any knowledge Imam said go ahead now I said what was the number of years between Jesus and Muhammad Imam al-ba looked at him and he said in your opinion 600 in my opinion 500. but you know it's his opinion Imam you know when Imam takes the level of knowledge up he's like some in your opinion 600 in mine 500. how does this guy know my opinion on this issue Or all prophets of God ask the prophets who came before you that they tell the people to disbelieve in other than God at this moment he said to Muhammad how could Allah tell the prophet to ask those who came before him that's impossible the prophets who came before have gone Imam al-bakar said no on the nights of marriage Allah let his Prophet lead all the prophets he finished his Salah he turned around And he said to them ah did you ever tell your people to disbelieve in Allah and they said no all prophets of God we told them to believe in Allah and in your prophethood not have said you're good Where's God says that he said where's God Where's God Imam al-baka looked at him and said show me where he is not I'll show you where he is What an answer when he said to him okay when did God come about Imam said show me when he was not I'll show you when he came enough that was not shaking done something which is called finish him you know finish him foreign because I'm going to give you two answers and they're the only answers you can give me if you agree then you're a Disbeliever because fighting the Khalifa of your time is kofor and if you disagree then you're a disbeliever because you were one of them who fought so you're a disbeliever as well what of the two are you now not that runaways that I'm never debating this man again that was one occasion Abdul Malik went crazy said how did this happen uh hashan went crazy he said how could none of you answer so Hashem went dead with someone Else he said come I beg you you're the top scholar debate Muhammad can finish him this man's getting too popular people say he is this all knowledge no one can answer him this is gonna said leave him to me I'll answer I'll ask him so he came to me said to him I've got some questions for you you claim to be al-battered answer my questions he said go ahead he said but you know my questions are from Bible and Quran he said go ahead he said my First question is this and it's an important question which fast in history were you allowed to eat and drink two ask them this question is that from which fast in history were you allowed to eat and drink Imam said it's simple the fast of baby Mariam when Allah told her to remain silent that was her fasting I have a second question tell me when Was a quarter of humanity killed in which occasion Imam said simple when pabill killed habil a quarter of humanity died number three what increases and never decreases at the water of the ocean is such a word decreases and never increases he says your age then he said to him which statement was true but Allah said it was a lie foreign but we know that they are liars the Statement is true The Testament is true but the statement is a lie then he said to him I'll ask you a question none can never answer me Imam said what he said which Twins were born on the same day died on the same day but one of them was 150 the other was 50. foreign to answer this question true you need to be able to split knowledge in half he said to him it's easy profit Prophet was there and his brother were together then he asked Allah how do you Raise the dead and make them alive Allah caused them to die for a hundred years isn't it so they were both 30 but Allah caused one of them to die for a hundred years when Prophet Jose came back alive because of Allah's permission he lived for 20 years that means the elder brother was 150 and he was 50 years of age he said I swear there is no inheritor of knowledge of rasulullah like Muhammad Then there was a third person who was a Christian he was a Christian the Christians said I've got three questions to ask this man first are you from the line of Jesus of the scholars of the ignorance he said I'm not of the ignorant he said let me ask you my three questions he said go ahead he said to him which period is neither day or night he said Just Before Sunrise the color of The sky is neither day or night he said what happened he said to him okay you say in heaven that we will eat so much but we won't excrete how can that be he said the embryo in the womb it eats and eats and eats but doesn't excrete he said okay you say in heaven that we'll eat and eat and eat but there'll still be so much food how can that be he said the candle which lights another candle but doesn't lose any of its Source it's like the food in Jannah that person became a Muslim at that moment because of Imam every angle of knowledge but that's an important question did he only serve Islam through his knowledge also had a job many scholars of Islam Today Jews teach the religion which is fantastic taught us like my grandfather Teach Islam give lectures teach Quran but also go out the living Muhammad says it was the heat of Medina I'm walking there's no one on the streets I see one man in the field plowing owing and plowing I said who is this man who is chasing the world at this time I like nearer I see it's the grandson of rasulullah when I come to my say oh grandson of rasulullah you are chasing the Dunya You are chasing the world what are you doing working in this heat he said to me and what is wrong with me working if I die in this state at least I am dying in a state of worship of Allah for earning a living is a form of worshiping Allah and Allah does not like to see Hands except the hands of a person who earns a living in halal in their life on the day of judgment he had to earn a living for his seven children and that's why you find that Those could not take it anymore Imam al-baq before he died in one area of Imam al-basa you must read is when he talks about what is the meaning of a follower of Imam al-baq there are many lectures of Imam al-baqarah about him talk about what are his Shia what is the meaning of following him and what Hadith says our followers are three types one of them are those who follow us but rely and depend on others the second Ally class all they do is Watch themselves as a reflection and nothing else [Applause] of gold the more they suffer the more they shine and another Hadith says our followers when Allah loves his servant he drowns him in the sea of suffering sometimes we have Shia followers Muslim followers in the world today who say why is Allah making me suffer why is Allah make him in trouble Imam says our followers are Like gold the more they suffer the more they shine they look at Allah's tests and they say alhamdulillah they began to spread the poison into the food of Imam al-baqarah and some even began to put on the saddle the needle would go through the thigh of Imam al-ba before he died his wasilia is a beautiful wasayya the first thing is that your mama father spend the money that I've left behind to spread because Education is the essence of the school of Islam number two bury me with my robe which I used to pray my Salah with because Salah will speak for me on the day of judgment number three make sure you organize majalis at Mina every year in Hajj the magial is not of justice of my grandfather Imam al-hussein make sure you organize majalis Imam 100 of his students graduated in Reading Noha and met them about Imam and Hussein Hadith that whoever cries that tear the size of a wing of a fly for Imam Al Hussain that taken cure sings the size of the ocean therefore you found Imam al-barker in his life all areas of knowledge theology ethics jurisprudence astronomy cosmology physics biology all of them he taught and especially as an icing on the cake and the most important knowledge was the knowledge of the matchless of Imam and Hussein And therefore you find tomorrow we will study the man who looked after the knowledge we pray to Allah to allow us allow us to be amongst those who honor his knowledge and spread his knowledge in the way he spread his knowledge in his lifetime as well in our lifetime we pray to Allah but before it the loudest of your salawats