Bliss on a lofty diving together with his spouse in Shades that please foreign foreign foreign  foreign  respected Scholars brothers and sisters

  Foreign was born in the year 615. and died in the year 11 after Hijra within the religion of Islam as the greatest woman in the history of the religion from whose life many extraordinary lessons may be learned and many examples may be derived and a lady who was revered for her sacrifice for her humility for her bravery as well As for her devotion towards the message of the religion of Islam there is no lady in the history of the religion of Islam who has been seen as a role model in the life of billions of people in the world today like the Lady of Light to the extent that the prophets peace be upon him himself would say that there are four women who are seen as the mistresses of paradise Asia the wife of her own Maryam the mother of Jesus Khadijah the wife of the prophet and father foreign [Applause] unfortunately however her biography has not been given the attention that it should be and therefore tonight we seek to examine her biography in depth in order that we are able to learn as many lessons from the biography as is Possible so he said father's father is of course the holy prophet her mother is the renowned Lady by the name of Khadijah benzuela share their ancestry in the fifth descendant because as we know Khadijah is the daughter of hueyland the son of Assad the son of Abdullah the son of Jose and the prophet is Muhammad son of Abdullah son of Abdullah Son of Hashem son of Abid man of son of kosai therefore you find on the fifth of the generations there is a link between the two of them her family was one of the most surveyed families in the Islamic State and the idea that each member of her family held a lofty position when you look at fatuma's grandfather you find that whoailage alongside Abdul were the chief patrons of Quran Forest society when it came to the protection Of the Kaaba if ever you wanted to know who were the two main people in charge of the Kaaba Khalid of course but in Arabia if your name is Khalid the nickname would be whoiland if your name was jabber the nickname would be joaiba for what you found was that that is LED his army when the Quran says when they came the true people who were in charge of the Kaaba Wahoo you find that another of her famous Personalities from her mother's line was her uncle who said mother's brother or Sage had a prominent position in Arabian society they used to call him the just man of the Arabs why because if you came to Arabian society and the days before the prophet announces prophethood if you came with a set of goods and you wanted to sell them in Arabia you did not know whether you were going to get your money or not you see on many Occasions we dissect father from her dad's side not from her mums you find that this was said the Arabs would reveal as the man of Justice why because alongside the holy prophets they began helpful for all the League of Justice the League of Justice was originated because the man from Venus Abid came towards Arabia wanted to sell his Goods when he wanted to sell his Goods he realized that these people have taken my goods but are not giving me my money Back Generations what do they mention to us the narrations mentioned that this man complained on the mountain he said o people of Mecca I have come as a guest to you you've taken my goods without honoring my income this is unjust and this is oppressive venerations say there were two men who stood up for this man one of them was the prophet the other was who said khadijah's brother who said join the group and they called it the League of Justice in other words in English is translated as ration of the consideration when a number of the leaders of tribes came together they formed this League of Justice and they said that this League of Justice will protect the rights of anyone who comes with a business transaction in Arabia further than this according to narrations was of the monotheists For people who were still following the message of Abraham that waraka was one of them he was the cousin of Khadijah and the narrations tell us that he used to be one of the first men who was outspoken against the burial of the female you know in Arabian society the female was buried alive when one of them is given the news of a female what happens to him his face darkens with anger and he's in a stage Of grief the Arabs used to come forward and say that the female it's better that we bury her alive if we have a female baby we should marry her alive why the first reason is economically she's not gonna be of any use to us she's not gonna stand in the markets with us she's not going to hold our markets or Market stalls so the first reason was economic get the baby bury her alive the second reason was What second reason was if I have a wall with another Arab this girl's not going to help me what's she going to do she's going to raise the sword they said woman will never be able to fight it's better way better than my life from a young age number three this daughter of mine may embarrass me that she may run off with the son of a tribe remember I don't like so it's better that I bury her life you find Whatever's cousin would stand up in front of the Arabs and he would say o people of Arabia if it is money that you look for I don't mind paying you but please stop burying these females alive this is unjust and this is barbaric in other words from her mother's side her uncle her grandfather her mother's cousin all of them had a prominent role in Arabian society and the main aspect was that all of them were monotheists who believed in The Oneness of God and that's why Khadijah suffered a setback very early on in her life because Khadijah the narration say to us is named after her grandmother khadija's and her father died the inheritor of the family business was Khadijah Khadija and her sister hila and her true brothers are warm and who said Khadijah many people today attack the religion of Islam saying women do not Have a role in business and that woman cannot go out to earn their income whereas we find that from the beginning Khadijah looked after her family business when her father died and when her mother Fatima died the narration said that Khadijah looked after her business she would look after the Caravans in those days the Caravans used to go through places for business Mecca wasn't conducive for business Mecca you served three fairs in the air but the real business was taking place two places elsewhere where the first business Trade Center people would go in the summer to Syria and in the winter they would go to Yemen in Syria there would be many products they could buy in Yemen they would go for the coffee that's why until today the people of Yemen are revered for their coffee you find the Quran reveals this and the Quran mentions To Yemen in the winter they'd go to Yemen and the faith in the summer they go to Syria these would be the true places they'd go Khadijah would send Caravans to these places Khadijah had a servant by the name of May Sarah she said to May Sarah May Sarah I want you to employ someone who can look after my Caravans Etc who exactly are you looking for what type of person she said I'm looking for somebody who Knows how to travel in the desert in the night and somebody who can be wary of the highway thieves on the way somebody who has the ability to understand the first age today so we would call medicine in those days he said to her very well I'm going to go on this journey and if I see anyone with these attributes I'll tell you with him to Syria you found how Allah brings Khadijah and Rasulallah's parents together they said I was on a journey generation States what that he found out about rasulallah's reputation as someone was a fantastic memory who can glide through the deserts who is not scared of the highway thieves Nick Sara came back he said to a Khadijah I have found a man and they give him a title and al-ameen the truthful and the trustworthy she said to him what's his name he said Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam Allah she said very well if he has the trustworthiness and the truthfulness then why not employ him for our business at this moment the narration state that Masala went to Abu Talib he said will you allow your nephew to join our company said by all means Khadijah is the daughter of Walid was a friend of my father it's an order for us to have our nephew Join your company from the beginning said to me I'll double his commission if he comes back with success no stinginess do you agree from the outset the idea was that I am a lady of generosity when they call me I am the princess of quraish they used to call her amiraish because not because she had a great business the generosity that she used to give her workers sometimes us when we have workers we can Be the stingiest people on this Earth isn't that true as in we will scrub below you know how you have the lowest wage Wallah will try every loophole to go even below below minimum wage how can I rinse as much as I can for my worker the country says this is minimum wage I'll give him less you find that this is not Islamic on the contrary how well he does and give me a report about his behavior May Sarah went with rasulallah they went they traded they Came back with double the profits he said you know I've seen something I have never seen in my life she said John what is it he said it's not the 100 profits that we made it's not that he says I've never seen a human being like this man she stepson what do you mean he said that his memory is unbelievable when he trades with people he trades with humility but there is something that he does I Have never seen in another human being living in this whole area she said what is it at this moment he said when he finishes a transaction he leaves the markets and goes to sit by himself and he begins to whisper something as if he is meditating between himself and a force on this Earth which nobody can know that I see Muhammad isn't sucked in by the business rather the business is a Servant of Muhammad you see sometimes in our businesses we can be sucked in by the business our Salah starts getting late goes by the way you find the find all the Islamic principles start leaving us Muhammad he leave he sits and he speaks to the Lord by himself as if what he earns he has to keep Saying alhamdulillah for what he's earned and tell Muhammad now that he's done this for me in Syria I'll triple his commission if he does well in Yemen but he went to Yemen success was achieved in Yemen and he returned Khadijah was telling her friend nafisa I have never seen someone like this man the success he has brought me the humility as the trustworthiness For how long foreign are you not going to get married what's have you heard from the quraish and you keep rejecting and rejecting and rejecting for how many years isn't there going to be a stage now that you're in your late 20s isn't that gonna be a stage now where you're going to come towards the marriage looked at her and said can I suggest someone she said go ahead she said Muhammad she said what you mean she said if he's got the qualities that he's truthful and he's trustworthy then what are you waiting for go ahead had you just said okay very well nephilisa you take the proposal and what's interesting from this is that that issue of matchmaking was from the time of rasulallah in our communities today sometimes when people hear about matchmaking they say What's this matchmaking who is this person to bring people together do not say what's matchmaking together went to she went to rasulallah she said all prophets of God or at the time she would say Muhammad I have someone for you for marriage would you be interested he said who she said for me look how great Khadijah is imagine if rasulullah says that about someone then how pure must that human being be So he said look how great Khadijah is would she accept someone like me nafisa said I know she will never said so then go and speak to your uncle as soon as a smile on his face like he's never had before came towards the prophet he said very well I am going to take the proposal to khadijah's house and to honor this marriage I am going to give the cloak of Abdullah and the staff of Abdullah And Muhammad I want you to wear a black turban and that black turban is signified today by the grandsons of rasulallah and you find that he told him I want you to wear in a guy drink come let us go and propose for Khadijah you would think Khadijah because she is wealthy would ask for a high Dowry isn't it but someone who knows that contentment in life is better than a high Dowry will not ask for a high dowry Rasulullah would say the worst of woman is the one who asks for a high Dowry the worst of woman and the Muslim communities today do not be surprised you can hear some stories I'm telling you they'll make you a bit and here and everything else go great you'll find that with rasulallah the Dowry was 400 gold coins the marriage was conducted and of course they broke all the stereotypes in their marriage in Arabia a woman had to be equal with a Man and three and greater than him and one and a man had to be greater than the woman in truth a woman had to be well had to be what equal in the man with three as wealthy in terms of equality in terms of her age equal in terms of her descent equal and greater than him in one in terms of her looks and the man had to be greater than the Woman and the fact that he had to be watched wealthier than her and taller than her so what you find with Khadija Khadijah broke the stereotype she was wealthier than rasulullah and a couple of years older than rasulullah and you found that therefore what happened that they broke the stereotype and Abu Talib came and said in the name of Allah the most beneficial the most merciful we are the children of Abraham from the line of Ishaq and from the line of Ismael and it's my honor to bring Muhammad sometimes people say that this man died as a disbeliever only Allah knows what else you need to say in any car for people to know that you are a Believer anyway so what you found here is that they got married and you'd think that when they got married their early years would be easy why because you would think that this is Khadijah that's rasulallah Allah loves the two of them Their early years are going to be the easiest they had the most difficult early years us and there Allah was showing us that sometimes even Muhammad's early years and his marriage are difficult not just you in your children then the creation I loved more than any other creation couldn't have children who stayed alive in his early years He dies he has the son Abdullah he dies and could you imagine in those early years when he walks in the streets especially after he had announced his prophethood and he had been married for a while people would come and say to him means the one with no line thank you imagine rasulullah announces his prophet and he's walking the streets would come and walk in the streets and He'd look at her and say abdar where's your children do not in your marriages in the early days when there are no children imagine that Allah was being punished by Allah no in life sometimes we're tested with our wealth or with our health or with our education or with our children that's an equation in life there is no one on this Earth who will not be tested in one of these four areas Therefore has to wait he hears these people saying until Allah reverse the verse when Allah and you find that within the Traditions when fatama was born rasulullah would always come and smell her and he would say that when I come to smell Fatima I remember the smell of Jannah there is the smell of paradise that comes from which is an indication that rasulullah would have gone on a Ascension and he Would have smelled that smell and therefore whenever he'd see father he would smell and remember Jannah you'd find you know when Khadijah gave birth to Fatima do you think there were many women who'd come and says congratulate her today you may have a baby shower and many women around you many women who'd come and say congratulations none of the woman came next to her they said so you marry Muhammad the Imposter the magician the Sorcerer And you expect Us to help you when you give birth do you know her house was empty but Allah plans you plan and Allah has the greatest the narration state that when Allah with nobody to look after her and normally as a lady you want your sisters you want your mother you want family but when nobody was around Khadijah Allah that's Allah sent Maryam the mother of Jesus And if the wife of Adam and us the other wife of our own and consume the sister of Musa to help Khadijah give birth to Fatima you find when she gave birth to Father the narration say to us that she gave birth five years into the prophethood of rasulallah in the year 615 and in that year 615 what generation States they state that when she was born was born in the most turbulent time for rasulullah Never never did rasulullah says as much turbulence as in those years imagine the young Fatima after the age of only two three you find they've placed economic sanctions on rasulallah foreign mother his mother all the she had guessed she would spend on at least providing food for the people who were There there were economic sanctions from the whole of Arabia whatever she gathered she'd provide food Khadijah would not sleep was asleep Khadijah would stay awake to protect rasulallah eat from the plant so that rasulullah so whatever is healthy for him Khadijah would come and protect everybody else who was in the sheb father only a couple years of age has to see a world where all sanctions are placed on her that's Number one in that because of that after that Khadijah picked up a fever and because of this fever she passed away in other words the narration say to us after a few years she became an orphan all she had in her life was her father on top of that she sees her father doing sujood near the Kaaba one day she was sitting there she was about five six years of age rasulullah is frustrating near the Kaaba all of a sudden Abu jahl Comes with the feces of a camel and pours it on the head of rasulallah and you know what Fatima would do she'd say to him dad you do not worry I'll clean your face Daddy I will clean your head she'd bring a cloth and wipe everything and she herself would go and wash her hand and that's why rasulullah whenever she'd walk into the room he'd stand up for her sheet and he'd say she is the mother of her father This lady is a mother for me look at what she does in her life further than that when her dad would leave the house we know the verses in the Quran um would get firewood burn it and throw it on rasulullah when he's walking in the road and do you know they even throw Thorns at him and you know who would come and remove the thorns she'd come with her hands and her hands would have blood because of the Thorns She had to pick up and if the fire had burnt her father's cloak she would come and she'd remove the fire that loyalty to rasulullah was never equaled by any lady after her and no lady will ever come to equal that and that's why when they eventually wanted to sacrifice and kill rasulullah I am about to leave Mecca to go to Medina there is a young man who will sleep in my bed tonight that man who sleeps in my bed tonight he Will bring you to Medina tomorrow she said who o my father he said to her Agni the son of Abu Talib she said to him okay very well has he accepted to sacrifice his life for you he said to our father he said yeah rasulullah it's the greatest honor for me to sacrifice my life for you tonight tomorrow of Ali and father mother daughter of your uncle Hamza three famous fatimas in Mecca all you Three will come with after he has returned the trusts to the people oh meet me just before I enter Medina I'll be waiting foreign take us to Medina she says on our way to Medina the people were chasing us and all of a sudden all of them were standing was standing in front of us woman and They said to him Ali give us the woman now you think her father has escaped if we allow her father to escape we'll never allow her to escape he said to them and the look was that look which he only gave again once and that was when father died yeah and you know what that look was when Fatima died that was the look when he said to the person who said to him take fat mama we will take every single body out of Medina until we take Fatima's Body out as well and he looked at him and look where the person said when looks at you like that you do not bother fighting him looked at them and he said do not bother they bothered fighting Him Father must say is he defended all of us we reached the companions why are you waiting Medina awaits you he said you think I will leave the son of Abu Taliban enter Medina I am waiting for Ali by the time his body was full of Blood they had cut him in different parts of his body but he reached Masjid reached and this hand in Medina when rasulullah together who is your brother he said Ali is to me like Aaron is to Moses Ali is my brother Fatima having seen all of this it was only normal that she was going to marry Ali how after the battle of badam there were Many people who were proposed into Fatima tazara many proposed rasulullah said no that's what Allah said no Abdullah came to propose he got a rejection what are you waiting for this lady is waiting for you there is nobody else with all his shyness with his humility he that do I have enough to come and propose for father foreign normally she would say no to everybody As a sign of rejection but with Imam Ali she remained silent which was a sign of approval rasulullah at that moment said to Imam Ali what is it that you have to offer as Mahar as this is where Fatma got a lesson from her mother Khadijah because when Imam Ali came Imam Ali did not have this huge house and fast cars and so on no I have a shield and I have a horse Sword nothing else from the beginning did not want to say I have this and I have this and I have this and I have this at the end all of these are taken from you what you say is what you have ya rasulullah that's all I have I have nothing more if it's not enough then I'm sorry I cannot look after Fatima rasulullah of course Allah as for your horse keep it so you can use it to irrigate the land as a job for you to have an income Or it will defend the religion of Islam and that's for your Shield it was called he had got it from the Battle of Bader's booty he said ask for your Shield sell it he sold it he got 480 dinar from that you had the mahara but did rasulullah did Ali get married to her straight away it's been a month now since you've been accepted what's going on you know how your big brother talks to you about marriage what's going on why Haven't you finished this Imam Ali said my big brother I'm shy to go to rasulallah and say to him when's the wedding I know he's accepted me but I don't want to say to him when's the wedding I don't want to play some birds rasulallah said leave this to me he went he saw him amen amen go and tell them Allah why is he shy of me I will arrange for the wedding plans he came to Imam Ali he said Ali what's going on you want to get Married is that german yes he says so why haven't you told me I've accepted you he said yeah I didn't want to put a burden on you he said it's not a burden tell me talk to me where do you want to do it his house you see if you don't have enough at a young age you don't need to look for the Glorious lights that young if you don't have enough then go for something You know we've exhausted but let's use this house let's ask they said to him and how to say can we use your house because we've used your other houses my house doesn't belong to me it belongs to you and Allah everything I earn in this world is a trust from Allah and you are his Prophet use my house for marriage so they use that house everybody came in a very simple ceremony the night before father Of course doesn't have a beautiful dress was living on the means of her father so generation state that her father got her daughter like old ladies they would want a mutable dress on their wedding day she's looking at that dress she's thinking about it and I tell you today sometimes we can have Tantrums about these dresses Wallah oh you can have headache after headache why Is the white not brown why is the gold not silver why is this not that sometimes wonder we fall on Fatima oh are we following someone else sometimes I forget myself as well so she's got this beautiful dress and she's looking at it and someone looks at the door comes out all family of rasool Allah I am someone who is poor and has nothing and I come to the House of Mercy I beg of you to give me something When she sees this person she thinks to herself I'll give the old patched dress that I have I have an old dress I'll give it but then she remembers the verse Bismillah you will never achieve righteousness until you're willing to give away that which you love the most she loves the new dress and then she came and she said to the person here is my dress I only got it now go and sell It and insha Allah it brings you a good income tell me how many of us live in this world but allow the world to live in US Allah if there is a single mark on that wedding dress you may have a tantrum where someone's about to hit you Fatima says take my dress and when they come and ask a Fatima why she said because the Quran says you can never achieve righteousness until you're willing what you give away you're Willing to give away that's what you love the most I love this dress but I want Allah to see me as someone righteous and she came that wedding day to Ali Wallah she was wearing a dress patched up dress they got a patch up dress the narration said that rasulullah came hurrying to us that Fatima get changed she said to him why he said has just come to me with a dress which Allah has honored from the Jannah when you give towards Allah you think Allah will not give back towards you find therefore what happened that they got married and even when they brought about their house you see today unless the apartment you have to have LCD 46 inch and the leather sofa you know those ones which look nice but they break your back at the end you know they call them modern contemporary Allah all it does is break my back at the end honestly just Bring me something old nice Christian and I can sleep on it anyway today everything's got to be looked after catered you have to have the best of this from day one but anyway the demands are high and may Allah through the lesson of Fatima remind us generation States and a jar and a mattress and nothing more a couple of gifts here and there this couple who Are arguably the greatest couple of Islamic history that's how they began their marital life nothing more nothing less and indeed from the beginning normally today the honeymoon you sit down and you're looking on the internet package deal package deal let me find this let me find that let me find a hotel but this is not not Allah you look at some of us the things we worry about these days honestly and you find you know what her honeymoon was carrying Water for the soldiers at the Battle of odd is the reality of life sometimes brothers and sisters face the realities she came with 13 other women carrying water here are the soldiers of my father and they'd say to us [Applause] I am like all the rest of you now when Islam is under threat I roll my sleeves and I pick up water like the rest And you know how many wounds she treated on that day 63 wounds on the body of Ali IBN and she's patching up the wounds on his body you see the Unison that exists there and that's why after this you found that Allah blessed them with the most beautiful of children he blessed them with Imam al-hasa with Imam and Hussain with zainab and eventually with Uncle form Being one and a half years of age when her mother died and this family not only a sacrifice they would give their sacrifices were in mess in this world go no further than the house when you look for altruism in this world look no further than the spouse you find the number of stories from the house when it came to altruism when it came towards sacrifice and when it came Towards never using her tongue to put down her husband you know this tongue its weight is so light its power is so devastating when you are newly married the tongue can be very sharp it can damage the heart of your partner be you a male to a female or a female to a male don't use the tongue sharply that tongue can be devastating as many times and you could say I love you only once you use the devastating You can destroy the number of stories you find in Islamic history would not want to trouble one day for example stayed that he comes home he comes home he enters upon the house of Fatima when he enters upon the house of Fatima she says to him I beg of you can you go out and just get me a pomegranate because he looked at it he said father you seem ill she said I am He said why didn't you tell me if you were ill why didn't you tell me she said I didn't want to trouble you because rasulullah says whoever whichever lady makes the demand from her husband which is beyond his means Allah will remove her from divine grace I didn't want to trouble you because my father rasulallah told me never trouble is not trouble only one pomegranate and you call it trouble please brothers and sisters let's put This in our lives one pomegranate she felt she was troubling her husband he said very well I'll go out and I'll get on his way he bought a pomegranate the narration stated that when he bought this pomegranate his way back to the house he saw this old lady sitting on the ground she looked at me and she said oh son of Abu Talib I am ill do you mind giving me something to eat he looked at the pomegranates and he Thought but fatama is ill but he cut the pomegranates in half and he said here it is he went back to father he said how far from my hair is half up pomegranate he said to him he said so I'm not going to ask me why it's hot she said tell me he said on the way back I saw this old lady who was ill I cut half for her she said may Allah reward you the best of rewards that you help the Servants of Allah and you helped me as well He looked at her and all of a sudden the door knocked on the house of Al Muhammad when the door knocked towards it was Salman Salman came and he said oh family oh family of the Prophet I have come to you with a message from rasulullah Imam Ali said what is it he said here are nine pomegranates for the act of why he said because rasulullah says when you do a good deed Allah rewards you with Ten Salman said truly when he took out the tenth pomegranate the point was that over a pomegranate I don't want to trouble you in your life another occasion when he told her why is your face white I see it pale she said I'm all right he said no tell me she said we haven't had food in the house why didn't you tell me she said I never have wanted to trouble you oh son of Abu Talib and you know this lady when she Died before she died she said remind me did I ever trouble you in your life he said to her let me go out and I will go and earn an income your mom went to borrow some money he went to borrow one dinar so he could buy some food for the house on his way he found dad walked away a man thought strange God never walks away from me would stay and say how are you I God God Wait where are you going look dad said don't worry dad come back what is it he said I have no money at home and my children's eyes have sunken their sockets I have given all my money away to the poor I have nothing left Imam said that here take this DNR that dinar was meant to be buying food for imam's house yes family is the family of sacrifice isn't it Imam went to the mosque to praise the Lord rasool Allah is leading rasulallah finishes the salon he turns around they said he's here he said Ali I want a favor from you what is the child of Soul Allah he said Ali I want to come to your house for dinner tonight I went out to get food for home given my dinner and now my father-in-law who happens just to be the greatest man in this religion wants to come home and eat so he comes back home he knocks down The door father mother opens Fatima looks at seven you know that look you give your wife when there's a guest who's come for dinner it's a look of are you ready for what I'm gonna say to you Fatima someone's come for dinner who your father and the food she looked at himself what do we do about the food he's like I don't know generation states that this lady's connection was with Allah was so pure Latin Islamic tradition she went in the kitchen and she called out Ya Allah when Jesus Son of Mary called you and said oh Allah send us food from Jannah you sent him down food from Jannah when it said I am your the daughter of your Prophet I am Fatima and I ask you for some food for my father the narrations came down with food and she was able to feed our father and she was able to feed him more than the Jew in other words you found that when the Ayah was revealed for the food to an orphan to a captive to a prisoner that wasn't the first time they gave away they had given every year in their life they were giving this family of Father their whole life was giving away towards Allah and therefore you found that rasulullah at the crucial year before he died when we had to face the Christians of najran who did rasulullah take with him With the Christians Sul Allah when he had to face the Christians and them the narrations what do they say to us the narration say to us that rasulallah took with him as the Ayah says say to the Christians we'll bring our woman you bring you a woman we'll bring our sons you bring your sons we'll bring ourselves you bring yourselves I ask you is the woman allowed to be involved in Islamic politics or no in 21st century Islam a woman cannot have any political role in the Islam of Muhammad a woman was an ambassador in politics today's Islam don't worry we've made up lots of things in our communities why doesn't he say a woman cannot be in politics because she is not Muhammad to the other man not be in politics because politics is Only for men a woman cannot be in politics because politics you have to have hijab so why take Fatma to meet Christians a woman has as much role in building your community as a man and unless a woman is allowed to be involved at least in participating in the future of a community than a community in this Muslim world will never be built when he went there Fatima came Hassan Hussain Ali rasulallah all of those who were under the Kisa all of them came the Christians looked at all of them and said we swear by God that we will not enter the mobile these five because the amount of light that shines from their faces if it told the mountain to move the mountain would move from its position the point was farther but from that day was involved in politics and that's why when rasulullah died what the generation Say to us when rasulullah died the narration say to us is he gave her a piece of news she first cried then she smiled why did she cry she cried because he was about to die why did she smile because he said you will be the first to join me afterwards wasn't a one-off political situation for me because when they used a piece of land rasulallah gave to Fatima in honor of her mother Khadijah how much Khadijah gave from her Wealth to Islam rasulullah gave FedEx in his lifetime to father so that it was a gift after rasulullah died they came and they said there is no inheritance they bought out an argument prophets don't leave behind inheritance foreign and I ask all of you that if you had not read then you should feel a sense of embarrassment if you are a lover of Fatima and that's what she showed the Quran was part and parcel of our life she said you tell me I can't inherit Sulaiman inherited from Darwood didn't he Yahya inherited from Zechariah didn't he I can't speak out against Injustice never I am the daughter of rasulallah and when I see Injustice politically I do not stay silent I am as much role in the political system as every man does in Arabia and she came out and she spoke and I told you she shattered them she shattered them that the man who was in charge of the Empire said very well Fatima I will give you FedEx back but his friend turned around and said if you give her FedEx back then you have to therefore admit that radhe also belongs to her husband and she would speak out and she would Speak out and she'd speak with the Quran and you look at the daughters of Fatima today and I tell them oh Daughters of Fatima be woke in qurans on Earth do not neglect the Quran for how many years 86. thank you [Music] from the age of 66 till the age of 86 according to differing narrations in the last 20 years of her life before The only spoken Quran it's only spoken Quran means or no it means I never give an accept using a verse of the Quran because the Quran has everything about life I can answer you by Quran someone says that's impossible I replied then listen when one of the companions says I saw a lady who was stranded in the middle of a desert I came up to her and I said to her Excuse me are you lost she looked at me and she said Surah 43 Verse 89. say salaam alaikum he looked at and he said oh I'm sorry I'm sorry are you in need of guidance she then said Surah 39 verse number 37 whoever Allah guides can never meet his guided excuse me are you a human or are you a genie she looked at him Surah 7 verse 31 yeah He looked at him he said okay where have you come from solar 41 verse 44 far away place where are you going she said Surah 3 verse 97. I'm going towards Hajj he said so your Catholic how many days has it been lost Surah 50 verse 38. six days he said very well he looked at there and he said to her but you must be hungry she said solar 21 Verse 8. we did not create them as people who don't eat food very well very well by the way there's a camel over there run after it it's going towards Hajj she looked at him Surah two of us 286 Allah does not put a burden on the soul unless you can handle it I can't run that much at this moment what happens the narration says that at this moment He says okay very well then what we'll do is that I'll sit on the camel and you sit behind me she says solar 21 verse 22. Allah if there were Gods other than Allah there would be facade that behind you you're not maharam to me when he looked at and he said very well you ride the camel I'll walk Surah 43 verse 13 subhanallah she's riding the camel riding then all of a sudden from far away she sees he Sees four people he says so who are those four she says sort of 18 verse 46 balloon so she looks at him and he says okay what's their names she gives them the verse about Darude Khalifa she gives them a verse about Muhammad Muhammad she gives them the verse about Musa and the verse about Suleiman gives them all these verses he says okay now I know their names every verse about an aim in the Quran They come to us they say Mommy how are you are you all right are you being looked after she said Surah 28 verse 26 yeah I bet you said I mean oh my father give them rent because they are truthful and trustworthy give them their ends the man looked at her and he said be before but thank you for giving me the rent she looked at him and she quoted the verse thereafter how could you speak like this and the reply that came from the man is If you've been for 24 all your life under the University only speaks with the Quran and you found from the founder founded when she had to see Fatima lying on her on her a broken rib and be before the narrates and Asthma narrates I saw him because the grand the daughter of rasulullah and defending the religion of Islam they come and they push the door with the nail hitting her and when the nail hits her what happened when the nail hits her she miscarries the child and when she miscarries that child the narrations what do they say to us those of you who've been who've ever given Russell to your sister to your wife to your daughter The hustle is difficult but imagine and this is the most beloved wife the narration says asthma says Wallah I saw Imam Ali go and sit in the corner of the House of the room and cry what was tonight is your heart should be in Mecca laughs why do you cry you lift in the gates [Applause] said to me o asthma I was just washing the body of my wife father and my hands came across one of her broken ribs the narration goes further that's when Imam Ali was carrying the body of Fatima Imam al-hassan ran to the chest of father matazara and he began to cry by a chance he said mother it's me Hassan Hussain came on the chest of his mother And he said to her mother it is me Jose do you know what happened there is a narration which says and he said oh Ali removed Hussain from the chest of his mother because he said the Angels cannot bear to see Hussain on the chest of his mother [Applause] but wait keep the tears keep the tears these tears will speak for us on the day of judgment our lover of fat mama where Is the grave of Fatima we go to Medina and we ask where [Applause] where do you know how hard it was for these orphans one day sees him crying and crying he says to my son Hassan what's wrong my son why do you cry what's wrong he says my father if you saw what I saw you cry Ali has not seen he says to my father if you saw what I Saw you Christ I said what did you see he says my father you know when my mother father gave us he said yes he said my father on her way back to man came and slapped her he said to him what do you mean they slapped my mother on her eye Imam Ali looked at me said now I know why your mother and her last days wouldn't look me alive foreign he was crying and crying he fell asleep Unconscious at that moment in his dream he saw Fatima jazara saying to him that's why on a night like this when we remember the mother of Khadija we mentioned the narrations mentioned that's when Khadijah died in rasulallah wanted to come and bury her all of us when we come to marry someone the first thing we do is we put a coffin on their body don't we a girlfriend but because of how poor rasulullah was he couldn't afford the Kafan for Khadijah he used his shroud but his shroud wasn't long enough to cover our body felt sad at that moment he raised his hands into ah and he said Ya Allah I am your Prophet this is Khadijah if it was that for her wealth and the sword of Ali if it wasn't for our wealth Hadid would have no one hadija is the one who gave everything to Islam but yeah Allah I do not have a shroud a cafan every human deserves to be buried with a Catherine Don't you agree isn't it sad if there is a day when a human lies on the ground without the Catherine to cover his body isn't it sad if there is a human who lies on the ground and they trample on his Cafe do you know what the narrations mention when rasulallah came to him and he has both five Catherines which I have to give you in order that you are able to bury her you are able to cover her if the term Jabra is tell me who the second government is for is for you that when you die there is a coven to cover your body he is tell me who's the third girlfriend for he said the third Covenant that when she dies there is a cabin to cover our body he said to injury he'll tell me who the fourth girlfriend is for he said to him the fourth the girlfriend is foreign [Applause] To cover his body foreign [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] look up your own raise your hands on this blessed night raise your hands brothers and sisters we pray to Allah